Our online shopping cart and security technology ensures the safest and most reliable checkout experience for our customers. The information for all orders placed on our site is encrypted using SSL technology, so your transactions are completely protected. With SSL in place for both the client and the server, the information sent via the Internet will arrive SSL-enabled browser. Most browsers today are equipped with SSL. To be sure your connection is secure when filling out the order form, simply check for secure icon in the bottom border of your browser window when viewing the order form itself. The icon should be visible and show the lock in the locked position.
Note: Email is not encrypted and is not a secure means of sending credit card information. Please place all orders through the order form or over the telephone.
Do not attempt to email your order. If you have concerns about ordering via the internet, please call (888)383-8934 to place your order over the telephone. Our representatives will be happy to assist you.