Candle Notes Blog
Embracing Change: Finding Strength Through Self-Care
We've had a busy few months into this year already. Â I know that one of my promises was words of encouragement during these challenging times in our lives. Â One of...
Three benefits of contentment and gratitude!
 It weighs about 2 ounces, it can be a source of joy, encouragement and inspiration. What is it? It is our tongue! Not only does the way we use our...
What Makes Our Coconut Wax So Good in Candles?
Coconut wax’s natural ability to blend well with essential oils for fragrance enhances their aesthetic appeal. This natural beauty, combined with the benefits of a longer burn time and superior...
Clean, Sustainable, Vegan, Candles
Clean Burning Quiet Luxury Candle created by a Vegan Certified company, Laguna Candles brings not only implicit sustainability, but also a clean burning experience with fragrances made with natural essences...
Let It Glow: Women and Wellness
Let it Glow: Women and Wellness
Spring/Summer 2022 Handmade Gifts!
There is a burgeoning demand afoot! The art of making things by hand. A growing group of aware and committed people are seeking out high-quality hand made goods. Laguna Candle's Heirloom...
How to Burn a Candle Safely
Never burn a candle on or near anything that can catch fire.
The Power Of Scents!
Engage the senses with an inviting aroma that will help you enjoy the peaceful moments during your quiet time. Who doesn't enjoy quiet time with a cup of herbal tea,...
Benefits Of Citrus/ Lemon Fragrance!
The versatility of Lemon is no doubt amazing! A product that can be used as a beauty treatment, cleaning agent and lets not forget the aromatherapy values of lemon. One of...
Best Candle Scents For Fall!
For a candle lover, Fall is the best time of the year. With the weather starting to cool off, there is nothing better than filling your house with the comforting...
Why Buy Local? Five Good Reasons!
 1. It helps create jobs. One of the reasons why I hire local artisans to create our blown art glass is simply because I sincerely want to do my...
Private Label Candles: How Long Does It Take To Fulfill An Order?
Do you ever feel like you're at the mercy of your suppliers? Your business relies on them to provide you with the goods and services that allow you to satisfy...