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Embracing Change: Finding Strength Through Self-Care

Embracing Change: Finding Strength Through Self-Care

We've had a busy few months into this year already.  I know that one of my promises was words of encouragement during these challenging times in our lives.  One of my favorite writers, was Maya Angelo and her words of encouragement and forgiveness has always truly touched me.  '' WHEN I DIDN'T KNOW ANY BETTER I DIDN'T DO ANY BETTER, BUT WHEN I NEW BETTER I DID BETTER" . So glad I am doing all I can to do better.  One of the ways I am doing better is taking better care of myself, and helping others. Nothing like a quiet moment, relaxing bubble bath, embracing change and finding strength through self-care.  A beautifully scented clean burning Laguna Candles, might not erase all of our problems, but those few moments of relaxation can surely help us manage the challenges . #scentedcandles #weddingcandles  #unscentedcandles #cleanburningcandles #vegancandles

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