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Live, Love, Laugh!

Live, Love, Laugh!



One of the reasons that I resonate so closely with this collection are the benefits that I derive from reflecting on each and every one of these words. Live, Love and Laugh reminds me of the struggles my mom had as a  single mother and had we not Lived, Loved and Laughed, we would have given up.  When our dad left us, ( I've had some friends say that abandoned is too strong of a word) my mom was devastated and so were the seven, (yes that's right 7) of us as well. What got us through it? We were determined to live our lives with determination.  We loved each other as a family and  would not allow this situation to divide us, and yes we lived our lives with joy and resilience. We didn't have much but we were raised to refuse to allow that to take our joy away and we found some of the smallest things to laugh at. From my youngest brother slapping himself in the face because he thought something was crawling on it, to our pretending we were a band by beating on the table and banging on pots and pans.  Yes we laughed, we danced, we lived and we loved, something that we continue to do to this day. When it comes to candles that offer Wellness and Mindfulness are part of our core values. With Laguna Candles it's important that we calmly acknowledge our past, with appreciation and gratitude, that's why we  Live, Love and Laugh!

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