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Had the 2nd one now what?

Had the 2nd one now what?

Laguna Candles Lighter

I have missed writing you, so here I am. I had my two vaccines, now I am ready to let go of some of the fear and apprehension. I want to freely go out with caution and just breathe. Masked up of course. One of the first places I want to go to is the Book Store. I have missed just walking around the book store. Looking at books and magazines and just enjoying the quiet time. I could linger for an hour or more just taking it all in. Well maybe I won’t linger for an hour but I am so looking forward to it!

Next stop, picking up fresh cut flowers, an absolute passion that I have. I love the fragrances and beautiful colors, just being there brings me peace. In my opinion, and it is only my opinion beautiful flowers bring so much joy and hope in your home and life, and let’s not forget fragrance. I still have memories of fragrances that my grandmother had in her home. What’s your favorite? Casablanca, Peonies Peach & Rose, and of course Lavender are three of mine.

I know the Pandemic is not over, but trying to define what this was like would only bring back memories. I can only hope for less anxiety and more peace and calmness in my life and yours. For those of you who have supported our family business Laguna Candles during these unpredictable times. Thank you! Be safe, get out if you can and mask up!

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